Six years ago, Katja and I were in a state of utter exhaustion. With a complete lack of headspace, time and focus to make decisions, we left our two youngs kids with their grand-parents and went away for a few days.
To sleep, rest and to take time to really process what we were going through. Armed with bags of post-it notes, marker pens and flip-chart paper, we tried to table our burning issues. It had a transformational impact on us.
We have now put together the first toolkit to help process the year that has gone by - and to help learn for the next. As a gift for family and friends. And to see where this might take us.
The first toolkit has been designed to help you make sense of this year: to process it, learn from it and then let it go.
Across the Northern Hemisphere, the 21st of December is the shortest day of the year: Winter Solstice. This moment and the days after have universal importance across cultures (whether called Rauhnächte in Germany, The Twelve Days of Christmas in the UK, Makara Sankranti in Hindu culture or Yalda Night in Iran).
This time in between the years is associated with the invitation to pause and reflect. This toolkit tries to make this idea work for people.